Urban Fruit Trees 101

Interested in growing fruit trees in DC? This class will cover all the fruit trees that can be grown in DC and how to maintain them organically. This class will cover pests, diseases, management practices, harvesting techniques, and a short intro to pruning.

Teacher Bio:

Josh Singer is the DPR Community Garden Specialist. He works to build new gardens, establish garden support systems, advocate for food security, and create garden education throughout the District. Josh is also the Co-Founder and Executive Director to Wangari Gardens, a 3 acre garden park. Josh is a certified arborist, master gardener, master composter, Bumba Apiarist, licensed teacher, and has a cerftificate in Permacutlure Design and EcoCity Farms Urban Gardening .

MicroHerding Invertebrates

Learn to deal with aquatic, subterranean, terrestrial, and flying invertebrates for composting, pest management, and food for fish, animals, and humans! The course goes through presentations and demonstrations, and is set up to go through a natural cycle starting with our two ancient aquatic invertebrates brine shrimp, and triops, moving on to our subterranean red wiggler worms, followed by crickets, mealworms, waxworms, superworms, BSF larvae, hornworms, their beetles, moths, and flies! Participants will get hands on time setting up small habitats to take home with their choice of crickets, mealworms or red wiggler worms. The course will end with a demonstration on cooking with edible insects, anyone who desires may participate in an Entomophagy (The eating of Insects)       Space is limited to 15**

Date: July 31, 4-9 pm         Cost: $40

Location: Charm City Farms Brick Barn          Instructors: William Padilla-Brown

**Notice of cancellation must be given 48-hrs in advance of any of our workshops or events in order to request a refund. Cancellations are subject to a $5 restocking fee.**

About the Instructor

William Padilla-Brown is a social entrepreneur, certified permaculture designer, and multidisciplinary citizen scientist. He has run a non-profit in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania for the past 3 years called Community Compassion, focusing on radical sustainability. He has educated children and adults on topics varying from mushroom cultivation to nutrition via. various workshops and programs. William dropped out of high school at age 16 and has since been pursuing a non-traditional independent approach to his higher education actively promoting alternative education options. William also runs a biology lab/observatory, and mushroom microfarm, MycoSymbiotics, LLC

Mosquito Control

Registration required: http://offices.ext.vt.edu/arlington/programs/anr/offerings/registration/VCE_Arlington_ANR_Program_Registration.html