Sex in the Garden

Below its wholesome surface, gardening can get pretty hot and heavy, and we don’t mean hauling bags of mulch. Come and learn how sex (pollination) makes our food, and how in turn, food can inspire sex (aphrodisiacs). This presentation is R-rated, so adults only are invited to think dirty.

After working with a kids gardening project at a local community organization in the late 1990s, Lola Bloom realized that urban gardens are an ever-evolving tool for relationship building and creative expression. Lola did not grow up gardening, and learned most of her skills through mistakes and children’s books. She draws inspiration from nine years of teaching art and kitchen experiments. Lola has a BFA in Art Education from VCU and a Masters of Public Management from University of Maryland.

Intro to Urban Bee Keeping

The class is an overview of what it takes to keep bees in DC, and the way in which our location and climate dictates the work and calendar of the beekeeping year. This class will help you prepare for beekeeping next year, including connecting you with course offerings, sources of bees, and the beekeeping community.

Teacher Bio: Toni Burnham is the founder of the DC Beekeepers Alliance, and President of the Maryland State Beekeepers Association. She has been keeping bees for 10 years and am the national Urban Beekeeping columnist for Bee Culture Magazine, the largest circulation beekeeping publication in North America.