Backyard Chickens

Ever wondered how you could incorperate chickens into your urban homestead?Well now is your chance to learn all the ins and outs of backyard chicken farming with our educator Dale Johnson. Backyard chickens are a good hobby and a great addition to a garden. A few chickens can form a symbiotic relationship with your garden and family in the following ways. Vegetables and eggs go together in all kinds of recipes. Recycle your table and garden scraps through your layers. They miraculously transform most types of vegetable matter into nutrient-dense, flavorful eggs and the litter gathered from underneath the roost and in the chicken run can add fertilizer value to your compost that will end up on your garden. A garden and layers are a wonderful way to teach your children biology, ecology, economy, sustainability and responsibility. This workshop will cover the basics of raising poultry in a backyard. And the best part of this presentation is that he brings the chickens to you! Dale will bring his chickens and their small coop, show you how to properly handle chickens, and give you tips on keeping your urban chickens happy and healthy all year long. You won’t want to miss this!

Thrifty Small Space Gardening for the Urban Homestead

Don’t have a lot of space for a traditional in-ground garden but want to grow your own fresh vegetables? Do you see the prices of containers at gardening stores and have sticker shock? Fear not! At this workshop, we will show you how you can grow plenty of healthy produce for you and your family in even the smallest of spaces for a fraction of the cost. Come and learn how to start a 100sq foot garden and considerations you need to make when gardening only in containers. Get your creative juices flowing as we help show you how ANYTHING can be used as a container and start growing!